Friday, March 8, 2013

One year Danaversary!

Here it is. Throw the confetti. came online just over one year ago! Woohoo!

Some data review (because that is what I do…):
As of February 28, 2013, According to Blogger, the site had received,
  • 101 posts,
  • 92,000 visitors,
  • 34 "followers".

Because of you early readers, I was blessed to have a great following before I even made the jump from guild-site-forum-writer to an actual blogger, so I had an amazing start. Then, the Riders of Rohan expansion happened in October, and the site blossomed and started to grow! The number of visitors more than doubled in October-2012 drawn to the pictures of the warsteeds and the Warsteed Traiting Guide and the other various guides and "All the Steeds" Gallery! You visitors are just awesome! I am excited that you show up, get something out of the visit, and comment! I would like to think that my writing and pictures have gotten better over the past year. :D

Visitor tally by month:

Some specific links from which the site received the most hits included,

Ketani’s Warsteed discussion… CSTM: the-price-of-a-well-dressed-war-steed 
referencing the many class warsteed cosmetics @ rohan-warsteed-cosmetic-looks 

Warsteed traiting discussions on the forums, including…
referencing the Warsteed Traiting Guide @ rohan-warsteed-traiting-part-1

Goldenstar’s seal of approval… CSTM: recommended-reading-danania-net

I have more fun links on the page, Danania's Links.

Thank you to all the people who put links to this site on their pages and forums as well. You know who you are and I know who you are when you tell me, and I try to keep my Links page up to date. :)  

The most popular Google searches that hit this site included “danania”, “”, “supergirl hunt”, “lotro riders of rohan”, “rk legacies”, and numerous steeds that show up throughout the blog and gallery.

Some of your most visited pages (according to Blogger) include,
  1. The original stat math post (lotro-stat-math-rk-gear)
  2. The Warsteed Cosmetic post (rohan-warsteed-cosmetic-looks)
  3. Fastest Skirmishes (fastest-skirmishes-marks-per-minute)
  4. Steed of Victory and Steed of Dol Baran (steed-of-victory-and-steed-of-dol-baran)
  5. The Herbalist build (Herbalist)
  6. Warsteed Traiting, all five sections (rohan-warsteed-traiting)
  7. Legacies for RK LIs (legacies-for-rk-stones)
  8. Relics and Virtues (U6-relics-and-virtues)
I need to do some new posts revising some of these as Update 10 tweaked some of the digits.

And thankfully, you liked my Guide to All the Steeds, which I keep up-to-date. With my enjoyment of the Steeds, I try to make sure you will always find it full of the most comprehensive set of steeds lotro has to offer! (All the Steeds)

Thank you so much for visiting!


Tomeoric said...

Let me be the first to say... wahooooooo and happy D-versary! Thanks for all you do, it is much appreciated. Best wishes for many, many more to come!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on one year Danania! :D

I always enjoy your posts, yours is one of the most informative and info-packed LOTRO blogs out there. Keep up the great work!

Zyngor said...

Congrats on the one year mark, D! You are a one-stop shop for not just RK knowledge, but of the many facets of Supergirl goodiness contained all within one blogosphere. Keep up the great work, may Elrond step one foot to the left for you!

Ravanel said...

Congrats on your danaversary! It's a great blog, so I wish you many more years to come! :)

Anonymous said...

congratulations on your danaversary! Looking forward to reading more in future years :)

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Tomrica, StarryMantle, Zyngor, Ravanel, and StarandShadow. Your comments made my day brighter. :D

Rakuno said...

A bit late but congratulations! Here is looking for many more years of Danania goodness! :)

TheElvenTailor said...

Woohoo!!! Congratulations, Danania! Your site is always a joy to read and I look forward to many future posts from you :D again, CONGRATS!

Anonymous said...

Well done Mrs Dana, well done indeed :) - Tara

Unknown said...

Thank you Rakuno, TheElvenTailor, and Tara! So great that you like it. :)

Rakuno, it is always a good day to celebrate and you are right on time.

Alysia said...

Congrats Danania! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on an entire year! That's absolutely amazing!!! Beautiful pictures, tons of fun, and many achievements have been had. Excited to see Middle-Earth from the eyes of the Supergirl for yet another year. :-)

- Terrentius/Asherr

Unknown said...

Thanks Alysia and Terrentius! My screenshot picture count rolled past 20,000 tonight; I look forward to writing about more fun things in year 2 and excited that people are still coming. :)

Aeronwy said...

Yay, congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congrats DANA!!!!
Here's to another great year ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks Aeronwy and Memyr! So great to see your comments. :D

Unknown said...

/cheer ;-)

Unknown said...

/me bows to Ewine

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