Friday, April 6, 2012

It is well...

Today is my birthday.

There are so many beautiful images in Middle Earth. Today, I wanted to share two memorable tranquil moments and part of a poem with you. 

When I first saw the peacefulness of the Great River, south of Lorien, it reminded me of a poem, "It is Well", by Horatio Spafford written in 1873.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

This second shot is from the Pristine Glade in Dunland. The picture doesn't do it justice; the rolling heather and serenity of the glade is worth a visit.

Wherever you are, I wish you peace on this Good Friday.


Anonymous said...

Have a Good Friday and an Happy Birthday.

See you around


Unknown said...

Thank you Endacil!
It has been a relaxing birthday. :)

Asciel said...

Happy (belated) birthday! Hope it was awesome :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Asciel!
It was fairly relaxing. :)

...and I got a pony!
Ok, technically, it was a Moria goat, but I'll take it. :)

Saeiranos said...

Happy (Late) birthday, Dana!
You have to admit, the shot of the glade is a nice spot. Never having been there myself, I wouldn't know that for a fact, but yeah, seems like a pretty place. :3

Unknown said...

Thanks Sae. :)
If you had been to the Glade, you would probably remember it. :)
(It is in west Dunland though, around level 70, so you will get there eventually, and you will remember this conversation. hehe)

Asmunahi said...

Hope your birthday was great. Did you get to do something with the hobbits?

Unknown said...

Thanks Asma!
We did! We played Solarquest board game ( because hobbits need an appreciation of space and finance, went shopping for Wii games, ate deer burgers, and I finished the day off by winning in the Shadow wing and unlocking Isengard leggings. Good times. :)

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